Sunday, June 04, 2006


Just a short walk from my apartment is a set of railroad tracks. The people of my fine city seem to have determined that the surrounding area was too boring and thus decided to add some "peronal touches" to give the place character. Here are a few examples:


Need a trim?

Someone has lost their sole.

Elmo, why are you hiding there?

Did you want to see the tracks? Click here.


jenni said...

It always makes me sad to see litter. I've never understood what makes some people okay with doing that. I do like how your post on it!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a useful place for spares, I could do with some new shears. Good idea for a series of shots.

Bob said...

Strange how people lose shoes too. Do they go home without them on?

Anonymous said...

A fine series...I ask often myself how we find only one shoe?

danne said...

In some cultures I means good luck to find a shoe! Let's hope that your photo will give as all some of that. Saludos de Guatemala

barista brat said...

haha, but where are the train tracks?

near me they turned the old railroad tracks into a paved bike path. very nice! hopefully they will do the same for you!

Sam said...

Lots of litter, but it made interesting photos, so it's not all bad!

Gonzalo Cobo Londoño said...

Muy buena serie de denuncia sobre la contaminación. lo interesante es ver como pudiste lograr fotos estéticamente buenas a partir de basura. Eso denota que hay sensibilidad tras la cámara.
¿en donde las tomaste?

Natalie said...

Bob- I wonder the same thing.

Danne- Wilkommen y Saludos.

Barista brat- I've added a link just for you under the other pictures so you can see the tracks. Don't you feel special? =)

Goncolo- Tomé estas fotos cerca de la vía férrea. Gracias por tu visita a mi blog.

Mingo said...

Yo creia que solamente era qui en mi pais donde la gente ensuciaba la naturaleza , pero gracias a tus imagenes he podido observar que tambien es tu pais como en algún otro donde las personas no respetan las indicaciones.Las imagenes son muy reividincativas. Saludos

barista brat said...

i DO feel special!

Kala said...

the way you've aptly and creatively described the litter makes it not so litterful but more curious subjects of interest - I just found ONE side of a pair of slippers that was left to litter and it just so happens to be the same left side that I needed for my damaged pair - what did I do - recycle of course! I took it home haha
It was brand spankin new!