Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A little bit of the everyday

Buying in Bulk: Costco Shopper with Paper Towels.
This woman's purse reminds me of my semester in Spain. The burberry plaid was everywhere.


somebody said...

In South AFrica, we have Trade Centre and Netro - Personally, I prefer the smaller Hypermarkets

barista brat said...

as a joke one christmas someone gave me one of the huge packages of toilet paper from costco.
i swear, that package lasted almost 2 years!

Natalie said...

Some things I wonder about, like who needs a gigantic tub of margarine? Who needs a gallon jar of mayo? People must buy them, because there they are.

Anonymous said...

A gallon jar of mayo is really useful. For example, if you have a Slip-N-Slide, but no water, you can use mayo and it lasts longer. I agree with you about the margarine, though.

Carlos Lorenzo said...

ha, yes burberry is quite customary here. It used to be a distinctive symbol of "posh" people, not too much now I guess. You wouldn´t see them buying toilet paper that often. I have nothing against Burberry though, I just wanted to point that out.

Bob said...

and that's a lot of kitchen towel which you probably couldn't fit into our kitchen in Spain. I haven't got a burberry bag !